Friday, June 28, 2024

Debate presidencial entre Biden y Trump

 News Source : BBC

Antes de la noche de este jueves, muchos estadounidenses habían expresado su preocupación por la edad de Joe Biden y su idoneidad para el cargo. Decir que este debate no disipó esas preocupaciones es decir poco.

El presidente, quien tiene 81 años, llegó al debate con el listón muy bajo y tropezó. Estuvo plano. Divagó. No fue claro.

Hacia la mitad del debate, la campaña de Biden les dijo a los periodistas que el presidente estaba resfriado, en un intento de explicar su voz ronca. Puede que así fuera, pero también sonó como una excusa.

Durante 90 minutos, Joe Biden estuvo contra las cuerdas. Sobre todo al principio de la noche, algunas de sus respuestas no tenían sentido. Terminó una respuesta diciendo: “Por fin hemos vencido a Medicare”, una extraña referencia al programa de asistencia en salud para ancianos administrado por el gobierno.

Bedingfield dijo que su mayor desafío era demostrar que tenía la energía y la resistencia, y no lo hizo.

A medida que avanzaba el debate, como un boxeador contra las cuerdas, Biden empezó a dar grandes golpes a su oponente en un intento por cambiar el rumbo. Algunos de esos golpes tuvieron éxito, y provocaron airadas respuestas del expresidente.

El hecho de que los primeros temas que se trataron fueran la economía y la inmigración, asuntos en los que los estadounidenses confían más en Donald Trump según las encuestas, no hizo sino empeorar el problema para el presidente.

“Realmente no sé qué ha dicho al final de esa frase, y creo que él tampoco”, bromeó Trump tras otra respuesta de Biden. Esa frase quizá haya resumido la noche.

¿Un candidato diferente?

Este es el debate más prematuro de la historia moderna de Estados Unidos, en parte porque el equipo de Biden así lo quiso. Una de las razones es que querían desviar la atención hacia Trump en una fase más temprana de la campaña, con la esperanza de recordar a los votantes estadounidenses la naturaleza caótica de su presidencia.

Pero después de este debate se hablará más de la actuación de Biden que de la del expresidente.

Otra razón por la que el equipo de Biden puede haber querido un debate adelantado es que le daría a su candidato más tiempo para recuperarse de una floja actuación. Esto puede ser lo que les reconforte tras la noche de este jueves.

Los demócratas tienen su convención en agosto. Allí podrán ofrecer una visión más estructurada de lo que sería un segundo mandato de Biden para los estadounidenses.

Hay otro debate programado para septiembre, que -si se celebra- estará más fresco en las mentes de los estadounidenses cuando se dirijan a las urnas en noviembre.

Sin embargo, eso puede ser un consuelo débil para los demócratas, que pueden estar preguntándose si una segunda oportunidad contra Trump en el escenario resultará diferente para su candidato. Y algunos, en este momento, pueden estar pensando en cómo conseguir un candidato diferente en su convención de agosto.

Pánico en las filas demócratas

Si una cosa ha quedado clara en la noche de este jueves es que el desempeño de Biden en el debate hizo saltar las alarmas en el Partido Demócrata.

En las principales cadenas estadounidenses, los analistas después del cara a cara se han centrado el el “pánico” que corría por las filas demócratas por la “catastrófica” actuación de Biden, sin que las falsedades e inexactitudes que ha repetido Trump durante el debate pudieran contrarrestar la mala impresión que dejó el presidente.

“Este fue un debate que cambió las reglas del juego en el sentido de que ahora mismo, mientras hablamos, hay un pánico profundo, amplio y muy agresivo en el Partido Demócrata”, señaló el veterano corresponsal nacional de la cadena CNN, John King

“(El pánico) Comenzó minutos después del debate y continúa ahora. Involucra a estrategas del partido, funcionarios electos, recaudadores de fondos… y están teniendo conversaciones sobre el desempeño del presidente, que consideran deprimente”, dijo King.

“Algunas de esas conversaciones incluyen ‘¿Deberíamos ir a la Casa Blanca y pedirle al presidente que se haga a un lado?‘ Otras conversaciones giran en torno a: ‘¿Deberían los demócratas prominentes hacer público ese llamado porque sienten que este debate fue tan terrible?'”, explicó el periodista de CNN.

Por su parte, el comentarista político David Axelrod dijo que Biden venció a Trump en sustancia, pero admitió: “Habrá discusiones sobre si él [Biden] debería continuar”.

Según los analistas, la única manera de que Joe Biden no sea el candidato de su partido en las elecciones de noviembre sería que el propio mandatario se retire de la carrera antes de la Convención Demócrata de agosto, que debe elegir oficialmente al candidato de la formación, algo que a estas alturas parece improbable.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

09899312998 Spanish Translator in Delhi

 Spanish Translator in Delhi Spanish Translation in Delhi Spanish to English Translation Delhi Spanish Translation Services in Delhi.

09899312998 Spanish Translator Delhi Spanish Translation Delhi Spanish interpreter Delhi

             CALL : DEEPAK : 09899312998 / 09718685497 

We provide Language Translators / interpreters for these languages: 

Spanish Translator in Delhi, Mandarin Translator in Delhi, Taiwanese Translator in Delhi, Korean Translator in Delhi, Russian Translator in Delhi, French Translation in Delhi, Chinese Translation in Delhi, German Translation in Delhi, italian Translation in Delhi,

Portuguese Translation in Delhi, Spanish, Ukrainian Translation in Delhi, Czech Translation in Delhi, Polish Translation in Delhi, Arabic Translation in Delhi, Thai Translation in Delhi, Dutch Translation in Delhi


 Thanks for choosing Genxtranslators to serve you. 

 We, Genxtranslators, are a team of professional 09899312998 Certified Technical Spanish Translator Delhi Linkedin Spanish English Document Translation Delhi Spanish interpreter Delhi Spanish Language Translation Services Delhi Translators & have been serving the industry since 2006. The vast & diversified experience of our Translators is what makes us different from others. Like any other Industry, Translation industry also demands speed with accuracy. And this comes only with experience. 


We understand the demand of our clients & Our Interpreters / Translators work in accordance with the clients need. 

Our translators are known for their accuracy because they don't translate verbatim but rather look for the most precise and suitable terms to express your meaning in different languages. In their translations, our translators convey their expertise, correctness, and precision.

The translations we carry out in the city ensure that the meaning of the translated text matches that of the original text. It is crucial to accurately reflect the source text's register, phrases, idioms, and vocabulary. 

Genxtranslators ensures that all completed translations are signed, stamped, and sealed on the date specified. Ensuring their legal validity and allowing them to be delivered with complete assurance that they will be accepted wherever they are required.

We translate all genres of writings at our translation company with the delight of people who use our services constantly in mind. Our top aim is to efficiently meet our clients' needs in a timely manner for a fair price while always adhering to their unique criteria.



A relatively sizable industry with a high level of specialization is the law sector. Globalization and internationalization have prompted new demands in the field, similar to those in other industries, such as judicial or legal translation.

Altogether Genxtranslators employs native speakers who have knowledge of and training in several legal fields, enabling us to provide our clients with legal translation services that are as accurate as possible.

The translation of documents relating to the laws and regulations in effect in each country is the main subject of legal translation.

Due to the importance of legal documents in both local government and private practice, legal translation requires a high level of specialization and specificity.

As was previously indicated, taking into account the laws in effect in each country is a crucial consideration. In order to guarantee the accuracy and validity of the translations, Genxtranslators employs experienced translators, but above all, native speakers of the target languages who have expertise in the field and in-depth knowledge of important provisions of their country's legislation.


Among our main areas of specialization, we may highlight our translations of:

  • Contracts
  • Powers of attorney
  • Commercial law
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Intellectual and industrial property
  • Tax documents
  • Civil law documents
  • Criminal law documents
  • Etc.
Financial Translation Services:

Above all with the globalisation of businesses and enterprises in the financial and banking sector, the new economic and social framework has grown more intricate.

It's crucial to provide your banking products and services in your customers' native languages in order to address this internationalisation. A specialised translation service, like Classic Translators, is required to do this, and the major players in the industry allot large resources to fulfil their translation requirements.

However financial jargon is quite specific and constantly changing. Acronyms and words taken from other languages are common, yet new words and phrases are always being created.The usage of diverse vocabulary and forms based on the nation or accounting models is another element. Some terms may even be misleading because they might have many meanings depending on the situation.

To Sum up economic information serves the primary purpose of providing pertinent information on economic matters and is generally technical and objective. This is most frequently found in reports or papers like balance sheets, profit and loss statements, etc. 

The professional translator must have a perfect command of financial terminology in both the source and target languages when dealing with this highly technical information. 

Translation of Financial Reports

In fact many business organisations and firms are present in various nations as a result of globalisation. Due to this, businesses are forced to produce accounting, management, and financial data in multiple languages, necessitating its consolidation. 


 These Translators may act as a guide for our foreign delegations & help them roam freely in the city. As a result, Our Foreign Guests can visit Famous sightseeing spots of the city and do shopping . 

We Provide Translators for following Languages : 

Chinese Translator in Delhi 

French Translator in Delhi

Certified German Translation in Delhi 

Korean Translator Delhi 

Russian Translator Delhi 

Japanese Translation in Delhi 

Spanish Translation in Delhi 

Azerbaijani Translator Delhi

Armenian Translator Delhi

Basque Translator Delhi

Belarusian Translator Delhi

Bulgarian Translator Delhi

Croatian Translator Delhi

Czech Translation Delhi

Dutch Translator Delhi

Filipino Translator Delhi

Greek Translator Delhi

Hebrew Translator Delhi

Hungarian Translator Delhi

Indonesian Translator Delhi

Javanese Translator Delhi

Kazak Translator Delhi

Kyrgyz Translation Delhi

Polish Translation Delhi

Portuguese Translation Delhi

Ukrainian Language Translators 

Bulgarian Language Translators 

Hungarian Language Translators 

Polish Language Translators 

Danish Language Translators 

Norwegian Language Translators 

Swedish Language Translator

Korean Translator Gurgaon Korean Translation Gurgaon Korean interpreter Gurgaon
Korean Translator Gurgaon Korean Translation Gurgaon Korean interpreter Gurgaon

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Las detenciones de migrantes cayeron

 La acción ejecutiva del presidente Joe Biden que prohíbe el asilo en la frontera sur de EE.UU. estuvo en vigor durante unas tres semanas y durante ese tiempo el promedio de 7 días de detenciones de migrantes ha caído más del 40% a menos de 2.400 encuentros por día, según el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional.

Este lunes, las autoridades fronterizas detuvieron a unos 1.600 migrantes a lo largo de la frontera sur de EE.UU., lo que supone un descenso con respecto a las 1.900 detenciones del domingo, según una fuente familiarizada con los datos.

A pesar del significativo descenso de las aprehensiones de migrantes, la orden ejecutiva de Biden sigue en vigor, según el DHS. Altos funcionarios de la administración han dicho que la medida se levantará cuando haya una media diaria de menos de 1.500 encuentros entre puertos de entrada.

Según las normas de la orden ejecutiva, los inmigrantes que cruzan ilegalmente la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México no pueden solicitar asilo una vez alcanzado un umbral diario. Y a menos que cumplan ciertas excepciones, podrían ser devueltos a México o a su país de origen.

El DHS ha expulsado o devuelto a más de 24.000 personas en más de 100 vuelos de repatriación a más de 20 países, según la agencia. La rápida expulsión de los migrantes ha dado lugar a una disminución de más del 65% en el número de migrantes liberados en el país a la espera de los procedimientos de inmigración, dijo el DHS.

Más agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza han regresado al campo y a la primera línea de las operaciones de seguridad fronteriza, incluyendo la interdicción de individuos que representan una amenaza para la seguridad pública, según el DHS.

El refuerzo de las medidas de control ha ayudado a identificar a miembros conocidos o sospechosos de pertenecer a bandas, incluidos los miembros de la banda venezolana "Tren de Aragua", según el DHS. Según la agencia, cualquier persona confirmada como miembro de una banda es detenida y remitida a un proceso penal o sometida a un procedimiento de expulsión acelerado.

Monday, June 24, 2024

09899312998 Certified Spanish Translation in Delhi

 Spanish Translator in Delhi Spanish Translation in Delhi Spanish to English Translation Delhi Spanish Translation Services in Delhi.

09899312998 Spanish Translator Delhi Spanish Translation Delhi Spanish interpreter Delhi

             CALL : DEEPAK : 09899312998 / 09718685497 

We provide Language Translators / interpreters for these languages: 

Spanish Translator in Delhi, Mandarin Translator in Delhi, Taiwanese Translator in Delhi, Korean Translator in Delhi, Russian Translator in Delhi, French Translation in Delhi, Chinese Translation in Delhi, German Translation in Delhi, italian Translation in Delhi,

Portuguese Translation in Delhi, Spanish, Ukrainian Translation in Delhi, Czech Translation in Delhi, Polish Translation in Delhi, Arabic Translation in Delhi, Thai Translation in Delhi, Dutch Translation in Delhi


 Thanks for choosing Genxtranslators to serve you. 

 We, Genxtranslators, are a team of professional 09899312998 Certified Technical Spanish Translator Delhi Linkedin Spanish English Document Translation Delhi Spanish interpreter Delhi Spanish Language Translation Services Delhi Translators & have been serving the industry since 2006. The vast & diversified experience of our Translators is what makes us different from others. Like any other Industry, Translation industry also demands speed with accuracy. And this comes only with experience. 


We understand the demand of our clients & Our Interpreters / Translators work in accordance with the clients need. 

Our translators are known for their accuracy because they don't translate verbatim but rather look for the most precise and suitable terms to express your meaning in different languages. In their translations, our translators convey their expertise, correctness, and precision.

The translations we carry out in the city ensure that the meaning of the translated text matches that of the original text. It is crucial to accurately reflect the source text's register, phrases, idioms, and vocabulary. 

Genxtranslators ensures that all completed translations are signed, stamped, and sealed on the date specified. Ensuring their legal validity and allowing them to be delivered with complete assurance that they will be accepted wherever they are required.

We translate all genres of writings at our translation company with the delight of people who use our services constantly in mind. Our top aim is to efficiently meet our clients' needs in a timely manner for a fair price while always adhering to their unique criteria.



A relatively sizable industry with a high level of specialization is the law sector. Globalization and internationalization have prompted new demands in the field, similar to those in other industries, such as judicial or legal translation.

Altogether Genxtranslators employs native speakers who have knowledge of and training in several legal fields, enabling us to provide our clients with legal translation services that are as accurate as possible.

The translation of documents relating to the laws and regulations in effect in each country is the main subject of legal translation.

Due to the importance of legal documents in both local government and private practice, legal translation requires a high level of specialization and specificity.

As was previously indicated, taking into account the laws in effect in each country is a crucial consideration. In order to guarantee the accuracy and validity of the translations, Genxtranslators employs experienced translators, but above all, native speakers of the target languages who have expertise in the field and in-depth knowledge of important provisions of their country's legislation.


Among our main areas of specialization, we may highlight our translations of:

  • Contracts
  • Powers of attorney
  • Commercial law
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Intellectual and industrial property
  • Tax documents
  • Civil law documents
  • Criminal law documents
  • Etc.
Financial Translation Services:

Above all with the globalisation of businesses and enterprises in the financial and banking sector, the new economic and social framework has grown more intricate.

It's crucial to provide your banking products and services in your customers' native languages in order to address this internationalisation. A specialised translation service, like Classic Translators, is required to do this, and the major players in the industry allot large resources to fulfil their translation requirements.

However financial jargon is quite specific and constantly changing. Acronyms and words taken from other languages are common, yet new words and phrases are always being created.The usage of diverse vocabulary and forms based on the nation or accounting models is another element. Some terms may even be misleading because they might have many meanings depending on the situation.

To Sum up economic information serves the primary purpose of providing pertinent information on economic matters and is generally technical and objective. This is most frequently found in reports or papers like balance sheets, profit and loss statements, etc. 

The professional translator must have a perfect command of financial terminology in both the source and target languages when dealing with this highly technical information. 

Translation of Financial Reports

In fact many business organisations and firms are present in various nations as a result of globalisation. Due to this, businesses are forced to produce accounting, management, and financial data in multiple languages, necessitating its consolidation. 


 These Translators may act as a guide for our foreign delegations & help them roam freely in the city. As a result, Our Foreign Guests can visit Famous sightseeing spots of the city and do shopping . 

We Provide Translators for following Languages : 

Chinese Translator in Delhi 

French Translator in Delhi

Certified German Translation in Delhi 

Korean Translator Delhi 

Russian Translator Delhi 

Japanese Translation in Delhi 

Spanish Translation in Delhi 

Azerbaijani Translator Delhi

Armenian Translator Delhi

Basque Translator Delhi

Belarusian Translator Delhi

Bulgarian Translator Delhi

Croatian Translator Delhi

Czech Translation Delhi

Dutch Translator Delhi

Filipino Translator Delhi

Greek Translator Delhi

Hebrew Translator Delhi

Hungarian Translator Delhi

Indonesian Translator Delhi

Javanese Translator Delhi

Kazak Translator Delhi

Kyrgyz Translation Delhi

Polish Translation Delhi

Portuguese Translation Delhi

Ukrainian Language Translators 

Bulgarian Language Translators 

Hungarian Language Translators 

Polish Language Translators 

Danish Language Translators 

Norwegian Language Translators 

Swedish Language Translator

Korean Translator Gurgaon Korean Translation Gurgaon Korean interpreter Gurgaon
Korean Translator Gurgaon Korean Translation Gurgaon Korean interpreter Gurgaon

09899312998 Spanish Translator in Delhi

 Spanish Translator in Delhi Spanish Translation in Delhi Spanish to English Translation Delhi Spanish Translation Services in Delhi.

09899312998 Spanish Translator Delhi Spanish Translation Delhi Spanish interpreter Delhi

             CALL : DEEPAK : 09899312998 / 09718685497 

We provide Language Translators / interpreters for these languages: 

Spanish Translator in Delhi, Mandarin Translator in Delhi, Taiwanese Translator in Delhi, Korean Translator in Delhi, Russian Translator in Delhi, French Translation in Delhi, Chinese Translation in Delhi, German Translation in Delhi, italian Translation in Delhi,

Portuguese Translation in Delhi, Spanish, Ukrainian Translation in Delhi, Czech Translation in Delhi, Polish Translation in Delhi, Arabic Translation in Delhi, Thai Translation in Delhi, Dutch Translation in Delhi


 Thanks for choosing Genxtranslators to serve you. 

 We, Genxtranslators, are a team of professional 09899312998 Certified Technical Spanish Translator Delhi Linkedin Spanish English Document Translation Delhi Spanish interpreter Delhi Spanish Language Translation Services Delhi Translators & have been serving the industry since 2006. The vast & diversified experience of our Translators is what makes us different from others. Like any other Industry, Translation industry also demands speed with accuracy. And this comes only with experience. 


We understand the demand of our clients & Our Interpreters / Translators work in accordance with the clients need. 

Our translators are known for their accuracy because they don't translate verbatim but rather look for the most precise and suitable terms to express your meaning in different languages. In their translations, our translators convey their expertise, correctness, and precision.

The translations we carry out in the city ensure that the meaning of the translated text matches that of the original text. It is crucial to accurately reflect the source text's register, phrases, idioms, and vocabulary. 

Genxtranslators ensures that all completed translations are signed, stamped, and sealed on the date specified. Ensuring their legal validity and allowing them to be delivered with complete assurance that they will be accepted wherever they are required.

We translate all genres of writings at our translation company with the delight of people who use our services constantly in mind. Our top aim is to efficiently meet our clients' needs in a timely manner for a fair price while always adhering to their unique criteria.



A relatively sizable industry with a high level of specialization is the law sector. Globalization and internationalization have prompted new demands in the field, similar to those in other industries, such as judicial or legal translation.

Altogether Genxtranslators employs native speakers who have knowledge of and training in several legal fields, enabling us to provide our clients with legal translation services that are as accurate as possible.

The translation of documents relating to the laws and regulations in effect in each country is the main subject of legal translation.

Due to the importance of legal documents in both local government and private practice, legal translation requires a high level of specialization and specificity.

As was previously indicated, taking into account the laws in effect in each country is a crucial consideration. In order to guarantee the accuracy and validity of the translations, Genxtranslators employs experienced translators, but above all, native speakers of the target languages who have expertise in the field and in-depth knowledge of important provisions of their country's legislation.


Among our main areas of specialization, we may highlight our translations of:

  • Contracts
  • Powers of attorney
  • Commercial law
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Intellectual and industrial property
  • Tax documents
  • Civil law documents
  • Criminal law documents
  • Etc.
Financial Translation Services:

Above all with the globalisation of businesses and enterprises in the financial and banking sector, the new economic and social framework has grown more intricate.

It's crucial to provide your banking products and services in your customers' native languages in order to address this internationalisation. A specialised translation service, like Classic Translators, is required to do this, and the major players in the industry allot large resources to fulfil their translation requirements.

However financial jargon is quite specific and constantly changing. Acronyms and words taken from other languages are common, yet new words and phrases are always being created.The usage of diverse vocabulary and forms based on the nation or accounting models is another element. Some terms may even be misleading because they might have many meanings depending on the situation.

To Sum up economic information serves the primary purpose of providing pertinent information on economic matters and is generally technical and objective. This is most frequently found in reports or papers like balance sheets, profit and loss statements, etc. 

The professional translator must have a perfect command of financial terminology in both the source and target languages when dealing with this highly technical information. 

Translation of Financial Reports

In fact many business organisations and firms are present in various nations as a result of globalisation. Due to this, businesses are forced to produce accounting, management, and financial data in multiple languages, necessitating its consolidation. 


 These Translators may act as a guide for our foreign delegations & help them roam freely in the city. As a result, Our Foreign Guests can visit Famous sightseeing spots of the city and do shopping . 

We Provide Translators for following Languages : 

Chinese Translator in Delhi 

French Translator in Delhi

Certified German Translation in Delhi 

Korean Translator Delhi 

Russian Translator Delhi 

Japanese Translation in Delhi 

Spanish Translation in Delhi 

Azerbaijani Translator Delhi

Armenian Translator Delhi

Basque Translator Delhi

Belarusian Translator Delhi

Bulgarian Translator Delhi

Croatian Translator Delhi

Czech Translation Delhi

Dutch Translator Delhi

Filipino Translator Delhi

Greek Translator Delhi

Hebrew Translator Delhi

Hungarian Translator Delhi

Indonesian Translator Delhi

Javanese Translator Delhi

Kazak Translator Delhi

Kyrgyz Translation Delhi

Polish Translation Delhi

Portuguese Translation Delhi

Ukrainian Language Translators 

Bulgarian Language Translators 

Hungarian Language Translators 

Polish Language Translators 

Danish Language Translators 

Norwegian Language Translators 

Swedish Language Translator

Korean Translator Gurgaon Korean Translation Gurgaon Korean interpreter Gurgaon
Korean Translator Gurgaon Korean Translation Gurgaon Korean interpreter Gurgaon

Debate presidencial entre Biden y Trump

  News Source : BBC Antes de la noche de este jueves, muchos estadounidenses habían expresado su preocupación por la edad de Joe Biden y su ...